
“It’s hard to let go.”


This was me not long ago; I contemplated the idea of letting go, as it was going to cause excruciating pain. I felt God was telling me to stop following my own heart and let go of my will (which I kind of knew, but I wasn’t doing it.) I might have willingly delayed his command... “Partial obedience is disobedience.” #JohnBevereSaidItFirst


—“Wait on me.”


“He is with you in the pain…He is with you giving you grace.”


In every season, God is with you— A FACT that I often tend to forget. Even during seasons when we go on our own path and want to do our own thing…God is still with us!

The funny thing is (not really funny, more like an inexplicable truth), you can run alone all you want, but His love still runs after you. (Let me pause and cry here.)Talk about the Goodness of God.


Where are you trying to run without God?


 His Love Endures Forever


If there is something I’m learning this season, it is to have more grace for myself and for my journey. I am learning to receive - receiving His peace and love knowing that I didn’t do anything to deserve it, yet HE STILL GIVES IT FREELY to me.


Like Cory Osbury’s Reckless Love lyrics, His love is overwhelming, neverending and reckless.


I dare you to accept it!




1) Letting go: What are some things God is asking you to release this season?


2) Embrace the faith: Trust God with your fears...actually I dare you to release all to Him and let Him pour light upon darkness. (1 Corinthians 4:5) He is holding your heart.


3) Receive all the free gifts God gives to His loved ones: you were joined in Lordship with Jesus Christ. (Romans 14:9)


Prayer of the Week


Heavenly Father, I open my heart this week to receive all the peace, love and grace that comes from You. Invade my heart and show me new shapes of You.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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